Monday 29 September 2014

Charge Animal Abuser for Poisoning Dogs

Charge Animal Abuser for Poisoning Dogs

A California man still faces no animal cruelty charges after fatally poisoning a neighbor’s dog more than three months ago. Ray Haines left a mixture of dog food and toxic drain cleaner eight feet from the neighbor’s yard where he knew dogs were present. Please sign this petition and urge the District Attorney to file animal cruelty charges against Haines.
Marc Schroeder’s dog, Diablito, suffered convulsions and died after reportedly eating a mixture of dog food and drain cleaner from a neighbor’s yard. Schroeder, Diablito and Atlas, a friend’s 135-pound German Shepherd, were chatting with his neighbor, Ray Haines two days before both dogs suffered convulsions and Diablito’s death. While the neighbors were visiting, Haines watched as both dogs entered his yard and he did not warn of any poison. Both dogs were sickened and suffered convulsions. While a veterinarian was able to save Atlas, eight-pound Diablito sadly died.
Haines says the poison was intended for opossums that had been causing him problems in his garden. According to City Manager George Scarborough, it is a violation of California law to poison wildlife and domestic animals.
Please sign this petition and urge the District Attorney to file animal cruelty charges against Ray Haines for poisoning and killing his neighbor’s dog.
Dear Mr. Rackauckas,
Three months ago, Marc Schroeder’s dog Diablito died after eating dog food laced with poison in his neighbor’s yard. Ray Haines had left the poisonous food out to kill opossums bothering his garden. Despite seeing the dogs in his yard, Haines did not stop the dogs or mention the poison to Schroeder. Shockingly, three months later Haines has not faced any charges, despite the fact that poisoning any animal, domestic or wild, is against California state law.
Diablito was not the only dog affected by Haines’ poisonous trap. Atlas, a 135-pound German Shepherd, also suffered convulsions but was able to pull through with the help of a veterinarian. Haines must face charges for his careless attempt to deal with the wildlife in his close-knit community.
Please file animal cruelty charges against Haines for breaking California state law, poisoning two dogs, and killing one. Three months is a very long time for the case to be delayed considering the insurmountable evidence against Haines and his admission of guilt. It is time that the Schroeder family gets justice for Diablito, and Haines must be punished for the careless murder of wildlife and a beloved pet.
[Your Name Here]

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