Sunday 28 September 2014 Member, Model Citizens? Member, Model Citizens?

Updated: April 29, 2014 member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
If you are ever in the Philadelphia area, you may want to exercise caution when choosing an over 21 establishment. You could wind up featured on a Facebook page, similar to the “People of Walmart”. One member, a bartender by trade, appears to enjoy serving his customer a drink, or two, or maybe a few too many. Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
Once his customers are passed out inside of the bar, he makes sure to document the poor intoxicated soul, and then, somehow the pictures get loose and make their way onto a Facebook page. Don’t get me wrong, I was one a bartender too, back in the day, but not only did this WhoIsColleenLynn writer grow up and got a real job, I also performed my duties as a bartender responsibly. Even more importantly, as a responsible bartender I recognized the risk of over-serving patrons of the bar, risks such as possible alcohol poisoning; drunk drivers that kill innocent families; and of course the blatant violation of state liquor licensing laws….such is Pennsylvania’s.
Section 493(1) of the Pennsylvania Liquor Code prohibits licensees from selling, furnishing or giving any liquor or malt or brewed beverages or to 
permit any liquor or malt or brewed beverages to be sold, furnished, or given to any person visibly intoxicated, or to any minor [47 P.S. § 4-493(1)]. 
Licensees may be strictly liable for violations of the Liquor Code and/or Board Regulations which occur on the licensed premises without regard to 
who provides the alcoholic beverages. Pennsylvania Liquor Control Bd. v. TLK, Inc., 518 Pa. 500, 544 A.2d 931 (1988); Pennsylvania State Police, 
Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement v. Goodfellas, 850 A.2d 868 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2004). The potential penalties for violations of the Liquor Code or 
the Board’s Regulations range from a fine to license suspension or revocation, or both. [47 P.S. § 4-471(b)].
However, civil liability is separate from liability under the Liquor Code. Section 497 of the Liquor Code provides that no licensee shall be liable to 
third person on account of damages inflicted upon them off of the licensed premises by customers of the licensee unless the customer who inflicts the 
damage was sold, furnished, or given liquor or malt or brewed beverages by the licensee or its agents, servants, or employees, when the customer was 
visibly intoxicated. [47 P.S. § 4-497]. With respect to liability of the establishment in case of injuries or damages associated with service to a 
patron, this office is unable to provide any guidance and it is suggested that you contact a private attorney who specializes in civil liquor liability issues 
in order to assess the potential for liability.
Now one can only assume he is behind the Facebook Page, “Billy the Bartender”. But if you take a look at the decor, tacky and outdated in this writers opinion, is the one and only Oscar’s Tavern. Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
Take a look from a google perspective…notice the “doggy” poster on the wall? member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
Compare to some of the patrons passed out, at Oscar’s Tavern, as posted on “Billy the Bartender” page, and….well, a familiar tacky and outdated haunt depicted here too. Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
Remember that doggy poster? See anything that looks familiar on the wall?  The page, “Billy the Bartender” claims the page is “just for fun”.
We ask, is it fun, to get customers so drunk they pass out? Perhaps it is a joke, but how the owner, Harry Chotak, feel about his patrons being treated so irresponsibly?  Or the Pennsylvania State Police, Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement for that matter. Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
But that doesn’t stop “Billy” and another members in making the Oscar’s ‘just for fun’ Facebook page an outlet for hating Pit Bulls. Doesn’t anyone respect their workplace or their bosses anymore? Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
Our readers know WICL publishes only articles backed by facts and conclusive evidence, so we check, and we double-check, and we confirm what we suspect. Indeed, William Johnson, is “Billy the Bartender”. The “proof” is in the pudding, why would other known members “like” the page if there wasn’t a member-attachment? The self-important member Tony Solesky?  The man that testified numerous times before the Maryland Legislature while lobbying for responsible dangerous dog laws and currently running for the BALTIMORE County Executive seatHow can a man feel so strongly about community safety ‘like’ a facebook page that promotes such dangerous (and far more common) practice of public intoxication?  Maybe Baltimore County residents will question if Solesky really is the WRITE candidate for the position. Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
As supporters of community safety, we wonder how many accidents have happened after these people leave Oscar’s in such a drunken state? Or how many innocent people were placed at risk, or worse were injured? Do these people know their pictures have been taken, then shared on Facebook?  Does Harry, the owner, know his establishment is being misused and violating state laws which could result in fines, suspensions or revocation of his license?  Does Harry know what patrons of his bar are saying? Take a look at some of the reviews. Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
And on Google?  What are patron’s of Oscar’s saying about the staff? member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
No respect for the people in his community, his boss and the owner of the bar, nor the citizens of Philadelphia. This is a member. This is a person claiming to be an advocate for dog bite victims, for community safety, and for responsibility. Not exactly a model employee, and an especially poor example of a responsible citizen advocating public health and safety in the opinion of this WICL writer.
UPDATE:  In the hours since this article was published, William Johnson’s “Billy the Bartender” facebook page was unpublished, then edited and republished.  The page, now recognized as just “The Bartender,” has removed several pictures including those that are available in this article.  If any of our readers needed any further proof, ask yourself why an innocent man would feel the need to make such changes.  And, if we were wrong why would someone that wasn’t Johnson make such changes?
WICL has more revelations for our readers, and hope you’re enjoying learning “The Whole Truth!”

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