Friday 26 September 2014


@mandilee43 on Twitter doesn't think I'm grieving properly.
Photo: @mandilee43 on Twitter doesn't think I'm grieving properly.
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  • 11 people like this.
  • Colleen Mentiroso
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  • Helen Ann Kennedy So sorry you are attacked like this. Just keep doing what you are doing..which is informing people about the dangers of vicious dogs! I'm sure you have helped prevent a mauling because people have listened to you..But we will never know, and that is good news!
  • Lisa Gaffney She's not worth the time or effort, just another blockhead feigning ignorance so they can go on unimpeded doing whatever the hell they damn please without giving a rats ass the effect on others. Selfish, egotistical, self-entitled low lives, plain and simple.
  • Dave Foreman Don't forget..pitbull advocates know more about everything than the rest of us....
  • James Hassinger Amanda is a idiot pit bull advocate. They think their pit bulls should be allowed to kill anyone and everyone should be happy with that
  • Patricia Forbell What I'd like to know, is where do these pos's get off opening their mouths to you? Also what makes them think, that ANYONE even gives a crap what a sociopath pit pusher has to say? Really, she doesn't give a flying crap about victims, or the truth. Just to have the nerve to ram a vicious breed down your throat. Sick mofos!!
  • Jennie Conway I think you have chosen to grieve in a way that is constructive for yourself an helpful to teaching the danger of the pit bull breed. I personally don't know where you get the strength to do what you are an amazing person. You are helping to save lives! I know that somewhere your beautiful son is proud......
  • Tana Dean Ward Grieving is a personal journey.
  • Yvonne Banks Williams Sheesh Amanda is at it again she is a nut case she is the one that need the help!
  • Mary Brady Honeycutt Let it roll off your back, they are sick idiots.
  • Joanna McGinn After taking some coursework in grieving, all I can say is that there is no 'proper' way to grieve..... the only thing I can offer is to sit and cry with you if that is what you do..... or I can sit quietly and listen to tell me about your son.... or I can hug you and Kim.... but always I pray for you both. iHs
  • Lesley Karen Luscombe Well, after some tomato-faced menopausal old bint has told you to 'f*ck off', I seriously doubt you would take her fake pseudo-psychology whining at (red) face value. 
Just thought I would share @foamertalk new meme she created about me. Kimberly S makes such good artwork. Don't you think?

The Denver ban IS a beacon because it covers Am staffs and Am Bullies. Which, by coincidence, would've saved the life of Devon Dade if Miami's ban had used the same language.

The problem with nut jobs like Kimberly S are, they would rather wait for a victim than prevent one. I suppose without victims of pit bull attacks, Kimberly S from AZ wouldn't have anyone to bash/blame/stalk and harass... Her sole reason for existing would be gone.
Photo: Just thought I would share @foamertalk new meme she created about me. Kimberly S makes such good artwork. Don't you think? 

The Denver ban IS a beacon because it covers Am staffs and Am Bullies. Which, by coincidence, would've saved the life of Devon Dade if Miami's ban had used the same language.

The problem with nut jobs like Kimberly S are, they would rather wait for a victim than prevent one. I suppose without victims of pit bull attacks, Kimberly S from AZ wouldn't have anyone to bash/blame/stalk and harass... Her sole reason for existing would be gone.
  • 8 people like this.
  • Colleen Mentiroso
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  • Helga Joubert I'd rather see acres of dead pits than one dead person.
  • Helen Ann Kennedy are trying to protect innocent children!
  • Latricia Mayer I'm just shocked she could spell agenda! We have their attention, keep up the fight!
  • Lucy Muir The pile of dead pit bulls that Denver creates is far smaller than the piles of dead pit bulls created by cities without pit bull bans. And every single solitary dead pit bull in Denver's pile is the fault of a sick puke of a pit bull owner who doesn't give a stinky carp about the well-being and life of their pit bull just so long as nothing bad happens to them. They don't mind putting their pit bull's life at risk just so long as nothing happens to them.

    Pawtucket RI, which used Denver's ban as a model for their own, went from killing pit bulls every week (as well as picking up dogfighter's pit carcasses) to killing one single solitary pit bull in 2012.

    That seems like a pretty humane result - fewer attacks and less euthanasia. It is the pit bull culties who are creating the obscenely massive piles of dead pit bulls, not Jeff, and not anyone else who advocates for human and pet safety.
  • Stu Mahaffey Good Job Jeff! Lightning 25 , Pits 29
  • Amy Noel O'Connell Someone has too much time on their hands
  • Leann Norman Btw she should. Understand that most of these dogs was handed over to the humane society when they passed the law.
  • Leann Norman Idc what happens to. Pits as long as our. Children are safe
    • Kelly England likes this.
    • Colleen Mentiroso
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    • Helga Joubert It's awesome to scroll through the comments and see how one-sided they are: OUR SIDE! It must be terribly discouraging for the pit advocates. Commenters, keep up the good work and make the crazy losers feel like they are losing. 
    • Jeff D. Borchardt Jane Berkey can't control her goon squad. Not like she's trying.
    • Jeff D. Borchardt Let them speak. As one of my favorite stalkers always says, "You are your own worst enemy."
      • Sam Sinclair Yes Jeff... You and your goon squad steady stalk on here and Twitter..... Be real... Hows it feel?
      • Colleen Mentiroso
    • Helga Joubert I believe the majority of Americans are anti-pit; they just don't know it yet. There are always going to be people with no opinion one way or another reading these comments (locals who want to read about why the Life Flight was landing two blocks from their house, for instance), and we have great power to influence what they think. A lot of and PBPMR people have said they refuse to engage them. I think that's a mistake--we need to know our subject and publicly point out the inconsistencies, illogical thinking, foolishness, and cruelty every chance we get.
      Let them speak, you bet, but let's overwhelm them with our responses. The whole point is to educate the fence-sitters while simultaneously demoralizing the opposition and making them feel outnumbered.
    • Kelly England Agree...if you aren't participating in bringing these dogs down, then why are you here?

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