Sunday 28 September 2014 Member Richard Prince Demoted After Making Threats Member Richard Prince Demoted After Making Threats

Updated: February 7, 2014 post a target on Elle the Pit Bull member Richard Prince was demoted in December after an internal investigation conducted by the City of Torrington’s Fire Department according to WFSB Channel 3 News.  Prince, a 24 year veteran of the Torrington FD, was promoted to Deputy Fire Chief in July of 2012.  It was a short-lived promotion however once threatening and vicious remarks made by Prince in a public Facebook group run by fellow members surfaced.
Prince was reported to Torrington officials with screen shots of his detailed ‘how-to’ list of  injuring, maiming and killing dogs that may be pit bulls.  In the remarks, Prince described jabbing a screwdriver through the eyeball of dogs and into the brain. The graphic depiction of numerous options for killing a dog also included bounding with duct tape, strangling with a ‘ratchet strap‘, cracking the dogs spine with a sledge hammer in effort to paralyze it, as well as going completely Texas and utilizing a chainsaw…which Prince warned could be messy and due to the dogs sudden movement could cause personal injury.
He also informed those participating in the online thread that once the dog was bound with rope, the tormentor would want the dog spread eagled, or choked by being hung from a tree limb.  Other weapons of choice suggested by Prince included crow bars, hydraulic machines, gasoline or kerosene with a match and a chain.
Besides these helpful tips, household chemicals, drowning and manholes were possible methods of killing any dog that looks like a pit bull, and if possible, the use of something long and cylindrical like a shovel handle could be used to shove ‘up the ass’ as a final option.
The outcry from the public prompted authorities to review Mr. Prince’s behavior.  After a full investigation his demotion was announced, including a $10,000 annual cut-in-pay.

Who is Richard Prince to

Now, what the public was not aware of was the additional steps Mr. Prince took to harass owners of pit bulls.
In May of 2013,’s Facebook page shared a link to a story about Elle the Pit Bull participating in a local children’s reading program, “Tail Wagging Tales” at Roanoke Rapids Public Library.  Dogsbite’s members were quick to take action, including Mr. Prince. post a target on Elle the Pit Bull
Prince fired off an email to the library, referencing and it’s media-based statistics.
When contacted Leah Brewer, Elle’s handler, she discussed the shock and feelings of the personal attack.  Elle has been part of community events and volunteer’s her time to many in the community, including school-aged children, the local police department, and fund-raising events for charitable organizations.  Elle the Pit Bull, 2013′s American Humane Association’s Hero Dog of the Year, seen here in AHA’s promo video

Prince attacked the wrong dog!
But the questions had was who else has suffered the wrath of the members like Elle and Brewer? And how would Mr. Prince’s fellow members react to this action against Mr. Prince?
We have the answer to both questions! Others that have been targeted and harassed by members will be a separate article that we’ll be releasing tomorrow.  But the reaction from the members pertaining to Prince? members react to Richard Prince demotion
Other members joined into the conversation, expressing their anger toward both the pit bull advocates and the Torrington officials.  Emails, phone calls, as well as public comments were deposited by the members, one even shared that she had used tactics recommended by Prince she had read them in a post from as far back as two years ago. members react to Richard Prince demotion
Gail L. Rosbach, Joanie raised a good point. member Richard Prince Demoted
While Richard Prince has been held accountable for his lust for violence, the members aren’t about to let it discourage their mission.  They see nothing wrong with Prince’s behavior, and certainly do not consider himoff the deep end. members react to Richard Prince demotion

 What about Elle the Pit Bull?

When contacted Leah Brewer, who refers to herself as Elle the Pit Bull’s pet parent, for comment we asked what her response was to Roanoke Rapids Public Library.   She said after the library notified her they received Prince’s correspondence they asked her “How would you respond to the contents of this email?”
She was devastated after reading it. She said she asked “Why would a person send such an email to try to take away something that was positive and helpful for the children in my community? Prince is not a local citizen being from Torrington, CT and has never even met Elle. Prince’s words prove that he is uneducated and had absolutely no truth in relating to Elle’s true, loving nature.”  Brewer says she is thankful that the library ignored Prince’s attempt and added that Elle the Pit Bull had a successful family reading event the very next day.
We asked if this had affected Elle’s volunteerism, according to Brewer, Prince’s negative attempt has brought the community closer.  She says she had no choice but to prepare all the places that she and Elle visit warning them that they too may be contacted.  Brewer says, “I was humbled by the positive support everyone showed and all of Elle’s friends were ready to defend her. Many expressed their concerns about this target behavior by Prince and I can not repeat their defensive responses.”
Posted on Brewer’s personal Facebook page was an outpouring of support from local friends of Elle’s.  Janet Carswell posted several pictures of her special-needs son sitting cross-legged on the floor with Elle.  Carswell’s response was “HATERS!! IN YOUR FACE!” The photo’s include Elle shaking the child’s hand and another that shows an affectionate lick to the cheek of a smiling little boy.
Brewer said if she had the opportunity to speak with Prince, her message would be simple, “He needs to open his mind and his heart needs to heal.”  Brewer said she has never met Richard Prince and knows nothing about him other than he and his supporters hate pit bulls.  “I do not wish to interact with a person filled with so much hate.”
We asked what was ahead for Elle the Pit Bull, it appears the attempts of the members isn’t slowing this Hero Dog down.  In March Brewer will start Elle’s Dog Safety Education Course for children at a local middle school.  “My program book will reach, teach, and keep kids safe! They will learn how to properly interact, be responsible, and much more.” The teams programs are in demand and stronger than ever for 2014. “We receive so many requests, I wish there was a way we could volunteer each and everyday because Elle has so much love to share.”
According to Brewer and residents of North Carolina, Elle has a mission in life! She can only continue Pawin’ It Forward for positive change… Brewer say she hopes and prays to live in a world where people can one day share love without limits.  Elle shares unconditional love to each and every person she meets and all she asks in return is a chance.

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