I followed this case from day one and did make phone calls to the petsmart where this occured talked to the mgr twice. also talked to corporate petsmart. The grand jury was not presented with all of the evidence. handler had taken clara outside of petsmart for a potty break when Hayes saw clara he said IF that F ing pitbull comes near me I will stab it. It was Hayes dog who approached Clara and Clara acting motherly did put her mouth on his ear..Hayes was screaming and stabbing Clara with extreme force and screaming even when people were there and both dogs were separated he stabbed Clara one more time! This took place in front of his son who was screaming for his father to stop. I can tell you that the town this occured in hates pit bulls the whole town and that includes the police. After the inhumane assault on Clara people were petting her and comforting her and she was wagging her tail. She was taken to Banfield hospital inside petsmart yes people did say so much blood at the crime scene. Bleeding profusely and losing 1 liter of blood. I was fighting for justice for Clara/the man stabbed this dog inside petsmart with customers every where! The rescue that took Clara to petsmart for adoption day took her wrapped in blanket to banfield hospital, it was the rescues decision to euthanize Clara because they did not want the police to take her. The rescue took Clara with them and she was buried. What I learned about the town and the police is IF Clara was given a transfusion of blood, and wounds stitched, and then turned over to the police that the police would continue the torture of Clara - using her for target practice! That man should have been arrested that day! I blame the police, the petsmart manager, and Hayes for lying! I have learned since this terrible injustice that PETSMART actually descriminates against pit bulls. Does not allow pit bulls in it's stores. Was this the policy on the day Clara came to petsmart for adoption day and the manager did a cover up ? Like I said I talked to him twice kept saying you can't believe what you read on line. I did communicate with the rescue and many people who signed the petition for justice for Clara. The fact that Clara was dog aggressive is no way played a part in Hayes decision even before Clara came near him he said if that f ing pit bull comes near me I will stab it.
the grand jury only heard what the police wanted them to hear, and the grand jury heard lies. There was no justice for Clara. That man Hayes is a dangerous man that is use to using his knife to kill animals and pets. If you live in the town of the petsmart incident you have been warned by me regarding Hayes!