Thursday 9 October 2014

Why is chocolate so deadly?

Willy Wonka never expected that his factory of Oompa-Loompas could possibly be so helpful in the pursuit to Kill The Dogs. Oddly enough, one of the world's favorite flavorings is absolutely deadly to dogs! 
Chocolate, or dog riddance (as we call it), is a cheap and effective way to manage those gangs of unsightly mutts that terrorize your neighborhoods. It only takes about 2 ounces of pure baker's chocolate to stop the heart of the average dog. A hungry mutt could easily scarf down much more than that amount in one sitting. Dogs will often eat their own feces in amounts greater than 2 ounces, so don't worry about if they will actually eat it. Getting a dog to eat chocolate is effortless. 

Why is chocolate so deadly?

One word: theobromine.
Let's see what our good friends at Animal Planet have to say about the issue:

Dogs and people are different in lots of ways. For example, dogs can run around in the snow all day in their bare feet and it doesn't cause them any problems. People can run around barefooted in the snow for 30 seconds or so before it hurts. There are lots of differences like that between dogs and people.
It turns out that, for dogs, a chemical in chocolate called theobromine is the source of the problem. Theobromine is similar to caffeine. According to this page, theobromine is toxic to a dog when it ingests between 100 and 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine: It would take 20 ounces of milk chocolate to kill a 20-pound dog, but only 2 ounces of baker's chocolate or 6 ounces of semisweet chocolate. It is not that hard for a dog to get into something like an Easter basket full of chocolate eggs and bunnies and gobble up a pound or two of chocolate. If the dog is small, that could be deadly.
It turns out that chocolate poisoning is actually not as unusual as it sounds. For a human being, caffeine is toxic at levels of 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (see this page). That's the same as for dogs!

Reference: "Is chocolate poisonous to dogs?"  09 September 2008. <>  02 September 2012.

To all the audience readers who are anti-dog:
If you want to apply this knowledge, remember to use it within the confines of your local laws and don't poison your neighbor's noisy pets. Utilize local law enforcement first and foremost. 

To all the audience members who are pro-dog
Please don't start to feel holier than thou, just because we advocate for the death of dogs and you claim to protect life. In reality, anyone who eats vegetables is an insect and animal killer. Pesticides and animal traps are an integral part of growing healthy crops. McDonalds and other meat themed fast-food restaurants kill cows, chickens, pigs, and fish by the millions. Just check out the menu and review the ingredients. Would it settle your nerves if McDonalds began selling authentic hotdogs, made from actual dog meat?

Kill The Dogs

Friday 3 October 2014

Jean Louis, 48 stabbed 1yr old pit bull CHARLIE BROWN,

Exposed added 2 new photos.
16 hrs · Edited · 
NAME: Jean Louis, 48
WHERE: Immokalee
CRIME: Went into the yard of Shelly Ann Pacheco and stabbed her 1yr old pit bull CHARLIE BROWN, completely unprovoked. Louis crossed the property, turned back around and came at the dog with a large hunting knife.
“He had his hand behind his back and he got closer and closer to us and he started swinging that knife at my dog,” Pacheco said.
An Immokalee woman has two days to come up with $600 to treat her wounded dog after a man was accused of stabbing him in an unprovoked attack early Wednesday. (WHY DOES THE OWNER HAVE TO PAY????)
Collier County sheriff’s deputies arrested Jean Louis, 48, of the 600 block of South Fifth Street in Immokalee Wednesday. He faces a misdemeanor animal cruelty charge.
“He just went wild,” said Shelly Ann Pacheco, 50, the dog’s owner, who was having a bonfire with friends at about 1 a.m. Wednesday morning when Louis came walking through her yard.
A path behind her property connects to another street and Louis often walked through, Pacheco said. A few friends along with Charlie Brown, the 1-year-old pit bull, gathered around the fire watched Louis pass through.
“My dog never barked or growled at him,” Pacheco said.
But for some reason, Louis crossed the property, turned back around and came at the dog with a large hunting knife, Pacheco said.
“He had his hand behind his back and he got closer and closer to us and he started swinging that knife at my dog,” Pacheco said.
Pacheco and a friend wrestled the knife away from Louis who fled the property.
Pacheco called deputies and then took Charlie Brown to the emergency clinic for a wound to the dog’s lip and side. A vet there said Charlie Brown’s injuries were not life-threatening but that stitches to both wounds would cost about $600.
Pacheco, who didn’t have the money, took Charlie Brown home instead.
“I couldn’t do anything,” she said.
Deputies tracked Louis down Wednesday morning and arrested him at 120 S. First St. When confronted by deputies, Louis claimed the dog attacked him but Louis did not have any wounds.
Pacheco said she was visited by officers with Domestic Animal Services on Thursday and told her dog’s wound needed stitches even though it appeared to be healing. She was told she has two days to have the procedure done or risk losing her dog (THIS MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?????)
“I don’t know what to do,” she said. “I can maybe get $100 together.”



What do and TPBPMR do when you disagree with their hate campaign?
Like this young college student:
( I covered her face so she wasn’t violated once again…)
Maybe the just don’t understand the definition of “stalking”…
That’s pretty simple…
You might be wondering….
According to the National Institute of Justice, “Like domestic violence, stalking is a crime of power and control. Stalking is conservatively defined as “a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated (two or more occasions) visual or physical proximity, nonconsensual communication, or verbal, written, or implied threats, or a combination thereof, that would cause a reasonable person fear.” [1] Stalking behaviors also may include persistent patterns of leaving or sending the victim unwanted items or presents that may range from seemingly romantic to bizarre, following or laying in wait for the victim, damaging or threatening to damage the victim’s property, defaming the victim’s character, or harassing the victim via the Internet by posting personal information or spreading rumors about the victim.” (read more here)
Stalking can be a felony or a misdemeanor depending on your




Time and time again- these “advocates” of ignorance remind victims that they just don’t matter cuz they are not “pit bull” victims.
According to Mr. Borchardt, these victims of of mass shootings- you know- human on human violence. The premeditated unavoidable acts of cruelty carried out by a person that doesn’t care if they are snuffing the life out of people that haveABSOLUTELY nothing to do with that person’s problems kind of violence just isn’t that big of deal to him.
Only 270 which includes young children being executed while in their class. Not a big deal to him.
We’ve been here before Mr. Borchardt and you didn’t like the last set of numbers either. Unlike you- those numbers and the numbers above are accurate and not based on trolling Craigslist and assumptions, but we get it- the WORLD gets it. Nobody matters but youyou,you, and some more you.
Let’s refresh your crazy brain of yours- for one city- in your great state if Wisconsin-
Let’s look at the last 8 years for this ONE city count of Homicide Victims-
  1. 2013-118
  2. 2012-108
  3. 2011-99
  4. 2010-109
  5. 2009-87
  6. 2008-80
  7. 2007-124
  8. 2006-130
  9. 2005-137
Got your calculator handy?
So far- that 992 homicide victims for ONE city in just ONE state. Guess what? A pit bull was NOT involved in a single ONE of those acts of homicide. That’s not even INCLUDING 2014. But- since you like numbers, here is the upto date so far for 2014 for just that ONE same city.
But we know- they don’t matter. The difference between your “numbers” and these numbers are: they are undisputed. There are no questions, there is no wondering or guessing. These are facts. Autopsies preformed, bodies buried and families still grieving. Do you really want to go there? Do you want the statistics for attacks, abuse and rapes too? I’ve done them for you before.
You’re not a expert. You are a father who lost his only child in a horrific manner directly caused by the irresponsibility of a woman and her dogs. We get it- no other victim except victims that help your cause only matter to you. It makes sense, but it doesn’t make sense when you try the number game. Don’t downplay victims of other crimes unless you’re seriously that big of a monster that you think YOUR grief is worse than theirs? Are you? Is that what you’re telling everyone?
275 DBF deaths in 31 years are a tragedy. Then again- so are the 270 deaths from mass shootings in 15 years,  992+ homicide victims in Milwaukee Wisconsin for 10 years, just ONE CITY, how many do you think the count is for all cities in every state? Heck- that’s not even counting missing children and people that their families have no IDEA if they are dead or alive.  Are you planning on calling all those families and let them know just how much GREATER your grief is?
Are you getting the point? Your posts are starting to look callous, disturbed, completely misogynic and definitely lacking perspective. (Yes, the whole “snatchovic” was a hoot- if your in 6th grade- but I think it was just your misogynic beliefs peeking through- I guess all of us women are also paying for the crimes of that one woman too..) Maybe, just maybe, you should take that break, refocus, go to church, pray really hard. If not then keep going and let the world watch you crash and burn. Do you really think Colleen and her stooges will catch you and support you when you become a even bigger liability to your “cause”?
Jeff, Jeff, Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Like I’ve told you many times- You are your worst enemy.



Dear Dogsbite.orgThe Pit Bull Propaganda Machine and everyone else who promotes violence on a dog based on the breed,
I hold YOU responsible for this:
I hold YOU responsible for the hate that YOU promote.
I hold YOU responsible for the violence YOU deem acceptable.
I hold YOU responsible for ENCOURAGING mentally unstable people to take “justice” into their own hands.
I hold YOU responsible for EVERY comment that YOU LIKE when people talk about shooting,stabbing,poisoning, torturing and abusing dogs based on breed.
I hold YOU responsible for demeaning dog bite victims because they won’t follow YOUR agenda.
I hold YOU responsible for making a mockery of real victim advocacy.
I hold YOU responsible for the lies YOU promote.
One day- accountability will bite YOU in the ass.
* please donate and visit this rescues page