Monday 10 November 2014


I'm so frustrated. Pits are banned in our town...I already have 2 neighbors hiding them and now a third person has moved in and guess what they brought!!! Grrrrrr! Any suggestions? Police will do nothing, they already know they're here and they run loose on top of it. I just want to do something before an innocent child walking to school has to be the wake up call.
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  • 6 people like this.
  • Patricia Forbell Spicy meatballs? That's a tough one, seeing as the cops don't even care who gets attacked.
  • Bohac Abylene I would call the cops everyday, twice a day, until they do something!
  • Sally House Write letters to the paper or post online about how law enforcement refuses to respect and enforce the law?
  • Rose Solesky There must be someone besides the Police you can report too. They are breaking the law and I wud keep making reports until someone listens to me. Take it to the Papers. If thier are children around you hv an obligation to do all you can.
  • Carol Miller Talk to your chief of police, talk to your city councilman, talk to the mayor. As Rose suggested, talk to the newspaper. Write a letter to the editor. Talk you your city prosecutor. Log these calls, dates, times, content of conversation. God forbid there is an attack, the log of calls and responses will be very valuable.
  • Tricia Malone I didn't think about the papers. Thanks! It just sucks because when I moved here it was fine, the recession hit and most people were foreclosed on, now they are rental houses.
  • Bohac Abylene Do all the above! Keep us posted and good luck 
  • Brenda Carr Pictures, pictures, pictures and all time dated will prove your case, PLUS everything above.
  • Harve Morgan Each time you call, ask for a service call number. Tell the dispatcher that you will be calling back for a followup. Keep that kind of log. Now are you willing for your name to be released to the owner of those dogs? That usually is the hang up. If animal control goes there on your call and they can't see anything related to the complaint, they can't do much. If however you are will to testify if it went to court, they usually will do something. The laws are such that you have to put your neck out there before animal control can do something. Most people back away from that and when you do back away, you tie the hands of animal control or law enforcement.
  • Tricia Malone Harve we don't have animal control here, the police are supposed to handle it. And it's no wonder people don't want their name out there, pit owners are crazy.
  • Brenda Carr Go straight to the top and go directly to the city manager, if there is one.
  • Sally House Do you know of any neighbors who feel the same way you do? If you band together, there might be power in numbers.
  • Harve Morgan Still they should have a recording system for service calls that assigns a number to the call. I would go to the police dept first and talk with them about it. The police are not well educated about dogs, pits in particular, plus they don't want to do animal calls anyway. Before you go to anyone, go to them first, get their answers. Then when you do go to the city, you will address what would be their answers.
  • Harve Morgan First impression count and you want your first impression with the city manager or whoever to include the story of the police. Then they will give their version but you have already overcome their objections. See how that works?
  • Jenny Pollman City councilman and city attorney. That's who I'd be calling 1st.
  • Dawn Morrow ^^like jenny said but use email so you have a time stamped paper trail
  • Jane Brown Do you have a Code Enforcement? I call them and they are quick to find the responsible regulatory agency.
  • Fataah Ewe' Anon letter to the newspaper, too. Television station?
  • Lisa Gaffney Log it all and call the media so they can answer why they aren't doing their job
  • Dawn Morrow And CC everyone! City council, code enforcement, police chief, news editor, emergency responders.
  • Gini Barrett Contact your local elected officials in writing. Phone calls do not leave a trail and no one can be held accountable. If you can organize a group of like-minded concerned citizens and generate a bunch of letters - even better. Photograph the dogs and the houses they are in if you can do so without risk. City council members, especially the one whose district you live in. The Mayor. The City Attorney, and write a letter to the Chief of Police and explain that they have not been responding to your reports. Document, document, document. Government officials, elected and not, know they can be held accountable if there is documentation. And yes, cc everyone. At some point in the future if you want to go to the media - you will have documentation... If someone is hurt and needs help with their case, you will have documentation.
  • Gini Barrett A few years ago the house next door to me was a foreclosure abandonment problem and was left with a dozen dead cars and trash everyone. The electricity was off, the water was off, etc. and some relatives of the prior owner started staying in there. I wrote a lot of letters and discussed how unsafe I felt and how dangerous it was to me (I was not worried at all to be frank - it was just ugly and dangerous to my property value) and discussed how the County would be liable if something had happened to me - and cc'd my attorney. Within a week the house had been vacated and secured and within two weeks crews cleaned the place up. But it has to be written or they can ignore you forever and just wave their hands and say that they - whoever is responsible - didn't get the info - doesn't remember the call, whatever.
  • Charity Brannon Wait til they run loose then pop a cap in them. You will have made your place safer and not broken the law, I'd imagine.
  • Dawn Morrow I wish pitts were banned here! 
  • Tricia Malone Wow thanks everyone! It's so nice to have people that support me on this issue. It seems like everyone around me is against me on it. Unfortunately, all my neighbors are pit bull fans and I don't see any help coming from them. 
  • Mary Brady Honeycutt I know what I would do when no one is watching, I would invite Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson over for target practice!
  • Isabella Marie Get your bullets ready.....
  • Fataah Ewe' BSL opponents always say BSL doesn't work, and one of the ways it doesnt work is that the city is undecided as to how to deal with it. Or, the people in AC are pro pit and refuse to euth or round up dogs.
  • Dan Saeger If you can, talk to the pit owners and let them know that you expect that they heavily control their dogs. Talk to your other neighbors and get a feel if they are aware and how they feel. If the pits become regular at large, start calling animal control repeatedly to build a record. Call the PD if you think you need to. The thing is, I know with noise complaints they need more than one person to make a call. That is where you encourage your neighbors when necessary. Take photos and maybe even keep a written record. You and your neighbors, even the pit owners should devise some kind of a plan in case the bad happens. Inside your house, know where all of your personal protection devices are, and get more if you need to. Never do anything illegal - there are plenty of things you can do besides that.
  • Fataah Ewe' Has anyone ever heard of a "civil standby"? It is where you call the police, and they accompany you to somewhere, to confront someone, without charging the person for a crime, to say, state your request or make a request. Once, someone had stolen a ...See More
    20 hrs · Like · 4
  • Fataah Ewe' That said, so many pit owners are so oblivious, paranoid & adamant about their "rights" I would be very cautious about personally confronting them. In my town, pits are allowed. I am not going up against the pit owners. Not me, living alone. nope. Meth abounds here.
    20 hrs · Like · 3
  • Pia Leavy